Fashion and Technology COLLIDE!

Jul 12, 2021

A group of wonderful students from ages 11-16 had the chance to participate in a week long summer camp called Slaying the Future – where fashion and tech collide! This unique summer camp experiences was created by Shimira Williams and Lesley Ware who worked together to present their specialized knowledge of fashion and technology to students. The summer camp included tours and hands-on activities.

Catalyst Connection’s Explore the New Manufacturing team had the opportunity to be involved in this summer camp and meet these creative students! We accompanied the students to Aero Tech Designs and Butler Technologies for awesome tours who showed them technology AND clothing working together! The students were extremely excited to visit these cool companies and ask their employees tons of questions!

Here are some photos from the tours at Aero Tech Designs and Butler Technologies:

After the tours, the students came back together and used what they had learned from the manufacturing companies and did some hands-on activities that were then presented on the last day of the summer camp.

Below you can see the students hard at work and excited to show what they have made!

Interested in getting involved in a real-world project similar to this?
Please reach out to Hannah Kusenko about our Manufacturing Innovation Challenge Program.

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