A Day of Manufacturing Exploration in Butler County

Apr 18, 2024

Today was an exciting day for Catalyst Connection – we spent the day in Butler County showcasing careers in manufacturing to local students!

Our day began at Butler County Community College for their annual MFG Day event. High school students, eager and enthusiastic, engaged with local manufacturing companies and partner organizations to learn what a future pathway could look like into manufacturing.

In the afternoon, we headed over to Butler Catholic School, with our friends from JV Manufacturing and Butler Technologies. Together, we showed the students what is happening in manufacturing in their backyard and a short drive away. This presentation was an amazing way to show the female students in the room that there is a place for women in manufacturing! The students from the 5th and 6th grade STEM classes were very engaged and asked amazing questions!

If you are interested in having Catalyst Connection and local manufacturing companies speak to your students – reach out to Hannah Kusenko. hkusenko@catalystconnection.org


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